Important summer holiday advice for separated families

Now that coronavirus travel restrictions are all but lifted, many of us are looking forward to a summer holiday in sunnier climes. But for separated families, agreeing arrangements over the summer holidays can be very stressful. Problems often arise when one parent wants to take the children abroad....

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Building Safety Bill receives Royal Assent to become the Building Safety Act

The team at Attwaters were very pleased to hear that the Building Safety Bill has now received Royal Assent to become the Building Safety Act. Safety and Health Practitioner (SHP) have reported that following the draft bill first announced in July 2020, on the 28th of Ap....

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A day in the life of… a Dispute Resolution lawyer

Our Partner and Head of Dispute Resolution, Leanne Philp, is a highly experienced and skilled lawyer specialising in contentious probate, breach of contract claims and building disputes – not to mention a busy mum! In her years as a lawyer, she has found that many people struggle to understand wh....

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