Fatal workplace accidents: Worker dies after wall collapse

Police and the Health and Safety Executive have initiated a joint investigation to determine what happened in a recent construction accident death in Leyton. Reportedly, a young man suffered fatal injuries while working to renovate a shop on a recent Tuesday. However, it is not yet known exactly how....

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Misdiagnosis of breast cancer

Women in Harlow and across the UK may be interested in learning some of the particulars involved in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. If a patient has noticed any changes to their breasts, it may be prudent to see a physician. The process of diagnosing and treating breast cancer will ....

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Legal intoxicating substances may kill

Residents in Harlow may have heard in the news recently about the health hazards connected with 'legal highs'. These substances have become readily available to young people and, according to a detective superintendent from the Hertfordshire safeguarding command, the dangers posed by them can includ....

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