
Zero hours – A step forward

Zero hours – A step forward

The Exclusivity Terms in Zero Hour Contracts (Redress) Regulations 2015 ("the Regulations"), in force as of 11th January 2015 now provide some concrete protection for zero hours workers. The Regulations make any dismissal of an employee working under a zero hour contract automatically unfair if t....

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Legal highs and alcohol misuse – Management within the workplace

Acas has just issued guidance on the recognition and management of the use of legal highs and alcohol in the workplace and its connected impact. Statistics show that alcohol is the cause of 5% of all sickness absence recorded within the workplace. The cost of alcohol excesses and misuse for emplo....

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Flexible Working – Can you have your cake and eat it too?

As a nation we are supposedly moving towards a more family friendly and flexible attitude regarding working hours, working patterns and place of work. This is evidenced by the introduction of Shared Parental Leave (SPL) in April 2015 and the announcement that the Conservative Party will consult on t....

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The Rules of ‘Social’ Engagement – The Christmas Party

The festive period is a whirlwind of lunches, get-togethers and ultimately, the work Christmas party. This can be a troublesome time for employers as they struggle to gauge a balancing act between Mr Christmas and Scrooge. The organising and planning of the Christmas party can be utterly stressfu....

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Employment Rights – Dispelling the Myth

The Employment process With the economy improving, employers are increasingly recruiting more staff. In this article we examine some of the myths and misconceptions surrounding the employment of staff. Mark Stigwood, Head of the Company and Commercial Team at solicitors Attwaters Jameson Hill, se....

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