Four-year ban for London rogue landlord

The government estimates that there are 10,500 rogue landlords currently operating in England. In recognition of this serious problem within the private rented sector, the Housing and Planning Act 2016 introduced new powers for local authorities to crack down on the worst rogue landlords who repea....

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Blowing the whistle (and unfair dismissal)

On 27 November, the Supreme Court ruled that a Royal Mail employee had been unfairly dismissed for whistleblowing six years previously. The landmark judgement overturned a previous Court of Appeal ruling stating that the appellant, Ms Jhuti, had been dismissed as a result of poor performance. ....

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Will a tennis court or swimming pool add value to my property?

If you’re looking to buy, or already own, a property with significant acreage, chances are you might be looking for ways to enhance your family’s enjoyment of your land and even to augment your property’s value. Frequently, high-net-worth clients will ask us about the planning implications of....

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