
Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) is not a recognised medical condition in its own right. It is a collective term used to describe a range of separate injuries thought to be caused by repetitive movements or overuse.

RSI can affect the muscles, tendons and nerves and is usually associated with injuries to the hands, wrists and arms. RSI can sometimes be diagnosed as Work-Related Upper Limb Disorder (WRULD).

WRULD is a general term used to cover a group of musculo-skeletal conditions which affect the shoulder, elbow, forearm, wrist or hand. The terms repetitive strain or stress injury (RSI) are frequently used to describe such conditions.

There are also specific conditions affecting the upper limbs which may be work-related if it can be shown they are due to occupational overuse. These conditions usually occur in adults of working age.

Some conditions are well defined with accepted diagnostic criteria, recognized risk factors and well established medical management. Others are less well defined.

Specific Upper Limb Disorders include:

  • Tenosynovitis (including De Quervain’s Syndrome)
  • Trigger finger or thumb
  • Rotator cuff syndrome
  • Thoracic outlet syndrome
  • Vibration induced white finger / Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome
  • Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Cramp of the hand (writer’s cramp)
  • Medial Epicondylitis (golfer’s elbow)
  • Lateral Epicondylitis (tennis elbow)
  • Tendonitis

Non-Specific Work Related Upper Limb Disorders (WRULD)

A significant number of individuals with upper limb pain and dysfunction do notshow signs which are easily recognised or fit with a definitive diagnosis.

You may have pain which is not localized to one area and the pain may move from one area to another and be of a very indeterminate nature. Examination may often identify very little in the way of objective abnormality. The diagnosis is made when other specific conditions have been ruled out.

It is one of the commonest work related upper limb complaints but estimates of its prevalence vary widely. Other features which may be present include loss of function, weakness, cramp, muscle tenderness, burning and non-specific paraesthesia, and often a feeling of swelling.

All these conditions may occur independently of the workplace although they may occur in the workplace as a result of:

  • Repetitive finger, hand or arm movement which occurs during typing, squeezing, hammering, pushing or pulling
  • Excessive force required to undertake an activity
  • Poor posture because of badly designed work stations
  • Awkward movements because of poorly designed tools

If you think you have suffered from repetitive strain injury caused by the work you do and feel this may have been caused by the negligence of your employer you should contact a trusted legal claims specialist without delay.

This is why Attwaters Jameson Hill’s Personal Injury solicitors are here.

We pledge to provide every client with outstanding personal service and communication, unrivalled industry knowledge and a proven track record of successfully achieving compensation for clients who have made Work-Related Upper Limb Disorder claims.

Firstly, Attwater Jameson Hill’s experienced RSI and WRULD specialists can tell you if you have a potential compensation claim against a current or former employer.

Then, because our renowned Personal Injury team has access to respected specialist medical experts across all fields, we can support medical investigations into your condition and obtain evidence of your past and possible future needs. This ensures that we claim for the highest level of compensation for the disability suffered.

We can also advise in relation to potential state benefits.

If you think you may have grounds for a claim involving RSI or WRULD, Attwaters Jameson Hill will offer you a jargon-free consultation and assessment free of charge.

If you have a strong case, please don’t delay. Call us now for free specialist advice and NO WIN NO FEE representation.

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