
There are various occupational related cancers that can develop after exposure to specific carcinogenic chemicals or substances in the workplace.

According to the vital experience of the Attwaters Jameson Hill’s Personal Injury Team, the most common occupational cancers encountered are:

  • Cancer of the Lungs
  • Cancer of the Nasal Passages
  • Laryngeal Cancer
  • Oesophageal Cancer
  • Bladder Cancer
  • Skin Cancer

Cancer of the Lungs

Lung cancer has the highest rate of mortality through cancer in the UK. Certain lung cancers are attributable to an individual’s exposure to carcinogenic chemicals and substances such as silica, lead and mineral oils which are prevalent in occupations such as mining, pottery and metal working.

Cancer of the Nasal Passages

Very dusty workplace environments, such as woodworking, can often result in respiratory conditions developing in later life. It can also lead to cancer of the naso-pharynx. Potential claims for employees in this industry can be based on this type of specific cancer.

Laryngeal Cancer

Cancer of the larynx can be a very debilitating cancer, often leading to the removal of the ‘voice box’ and resulting in the later use of voice simulation equipment.

Scientific research has indicated that asbestos exposure, those who have been employed in the rubber industry or been exposed to sulphuric acid in their working environment may be those highest at risk from developing the condition.

Oesophageal Cancer

Cancer of the oesophagus is becoming increasingly common in the UK. Recent research has shown that those working in the printing industry as well as gas, electricity and steam manufacturers may have had exposure to tetrachloroethylene, a carcinogenic substance sometimes linked to oesophagus cancer.

Bladder Cancer

Cancer of the bladder has had a long established link to industrial exposure to carcinogenic substances in the workplace. Cases where exposure to mineral oils, diesel engine exhaust fumes and aromatic amines in metal industries, iron and steel based industries, rubber industries and plastic works have already shown significant results for claimants.

Skin Cancer

Exposure to the sun is not the only way people can get skin cancer. Many successful cases have been pursued on behalf of claimants developing skin cancer from work-related exposure to carcinogenic elements.

All occupational cancers can have a long latency period and exposure can have occurred years before you are actually diagnosed with cancer.

If you have been a smoker or regular drinker it does not necessary mean you do not have a claim; it may be that your lifestyle choice combined with your exposure may have increased your risk to developing an occupational cancer and that your could still have a valid claim.

If you think that your cancer may have been caused by occupational exposure to carcinogenic substances you should contact a trusted legal claims specialist without delay.

This is why Attwaters Jameson Hill’s Personal Injury solicitors are here.

We pledge to provide every client with outstanding personal service and communication, unrivalled industry knowledge and a proven track record of successfully achieving compensation for clients who have made occupational cancer claims.

Firstly, Attwater Jameson Hill’s experienced cancer claim specialists can tell you if you have a potential compensation claim against a current or former employer.

Then, because our renowned Personal Injury team has access to respected specialist medical experts across all fields, we can support medical investigations into your condition and obtain evidence of your past and possible future needs. This ensures that we claim for the highest level of compensation for the disability suffered.

We can also advise in relation to potential state benefits.

If you think you may have grounds for a claim involving occupational cancer, Attwaters Jameson Hill will offer you a jargon-free consultation and assessment free of charge. This includes home or hospital visits and out of hours appointments and help when it may be needed the most.

If you have a strong case, please don’t delay. Call us now for free specialist advice and NO WIN NO FEE representation.

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