
Medical negligence cases address very sensitive and complex issues. Most clients want a full investigation of events, answers to their many questions and an explanation of why things happened as they did.

The cases summarised below illustrate some of the cases and situations in which Attwaters Jameson Hill’s Medical Negligence team has acted where the damages awarded have been very substantial – particularly in claims where, during the birth process, the baby has suffered brain damage resulting in cerebral palsy:

Negligence resulting in brain damage – £4.6 million

Attwaters Jameson Hill’s Medical Negligence team settled a claim for a young woman who suffered brain damage whilst an in-patient at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, for a lump sum and periodical payments totalling approximately 4.6 million pounds.

Brain injury sustained at birth due to negligence – £7.3 million

Attwaters Jameson Hill’s Medical Negligence team settled a claim for a bright and intelligent boy trapped in a severely disabled body as a result of his mother’s negligent obstetric care during labour and delivery, obtaining an award of £7.3 million.

Two cases of brain damage at birth due to negligence – £3 million and £4 million

Attwaters Jameson Hill’s Medical Negligence team settled a claim which was approved by the Court, for damages of over £3 million, on a lump sum basis, for a young Essex girl who suffered brain damage resulting from delay in her birth because of the Defendant’s negligence. Her mother had not been informed of the limitations at the hospital where her labour took place, there being no emergency facilities there, and if she had been so advised she would have requested that her labour and her daughter’s birth should take place at a hospital where such facilities existed, thereby avoiding her daughter’s brain damage.

Attwaters Jameson Hill’s Medical Negligence team settled a case for a young Essex woman who had sustained brain damage, at the time of her birth, again because of delay in her delivery many years ago at Rochford Hospital, this occurring because of the Defendant’s negligence in managing her mother’s labour and her birth. The damages, on a lump sum basis, exceeded £4 million.

Cerebral Palsy claim – £1.75 million

Attwaters Jameson Hill’s Medical Negligence team secured a £1.75 million settlement in a contested cerebral palsy case for a 23 year old man.

Cerebral Palsy claim – £4.1 million

This was a Cerebral Palsy claim on behalf of a six year old girl. After liability was admitted by the Defendant, Attwaters Jameson Hill’s Medical Negligence team negotiated a settlement of £4.1 million damages.

Cerebral Palsy claim – £2.4 million

Attwaters Jameson Hill’s Medical Negligence team negotiated a settlement of £2.4million on behalf of a boy who suffered from brain damage as a result of his mother’s negligent obstetric care during labour and delivery.

Cerebral Palsy claim – £1.1 million

Attwaters Jameson Hill’s Medical Negligence team negotiated settlement on behalf of our client who had undergone a new form of back surgery without the risk of this being properly explained. The subsequent complications from this surgery resulted in her suffering significant disability.

Awards and Accolades

  • acn clinical negligence
  • acn conveyancing quality
  • acn family law
  • The Legal 500 – The Clients Guide to Law Firms
  • Best places to wok in UK
  • cyberessentials certified plus
  • ERC Endorsement
  • Lexcel
  • AVMA
  • SCIL