
Ending your lease with a break clause: a guide

A break clause is a clause within a tenancy agreement that gives either the landlord or the tenant (or both) the right to end the tenancy before the expiry of the contract term. The break clause will, among other things, usually set out who has the right to exercise the break, any conditions that m....

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Tax changes for divorcing couples coming in 2023

For separating couples, tax is likely to be the last thing on either party’s mind. Even so, consideration should be given to any potential tax implications at the outset of the relationship breakdown to minimise any financial impact. Different tax rules apply to married couples, who benefit from ....

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Trustees – don’t miss your trust registration deadline

In 2017, the Trust Registration Service (TRS) was established to register trusts for both tax and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) purposes. At first, trusts only needed to be registered if they were liable to pay tax – for example, Capital Gains Tax, Stamp Duty Land Tax, Income Tax or any other kind ....

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What counts as a ‘contribution’ in divorce proceedings?

When it comes to your divorce, it is natural that you will want your contributions to the marriage to be recognised and reflected in your eventual settlement. In UK divorce law, ‘contributions’ will include both: Financial contributions – for example, salary, rent or mortgage payments, bil....

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The Bank of Mum and Dad: Protecting family loans during divorce

The phrase ‘Bank of Mum and Dad’ – sometimes shorted to BoMaD – has become commonplace in the media to refer to the growing practice of family lending – whether to help a child onto the property ladder, contribute towards wedding costs, or even to support them with living costs and legal ....

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Answering your Dispute Resolution questions

When it comes to our Family Law or Wills & Probate departments, what we do is fairly self-explanatory, and our clients will usually understand the types of services we provide. Dispute Resolution, however, can be a different matter. There are many types of legal disputes that can require the ex....

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Important summer holiday advice for separated families

Now that coronavirus travel restrictions are all but lifted, many of us are looking forward to a summer holiday in sunnier climes. But for separated families, agreeing arrangements over the summer holidays can be very stressful. Problems often arise when one parent wants to take the children abroad....

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Building Safety Bill receives Royal Assent to become the Building Safety Act

The team at Attwaters were very pleased to hear that the Building Safety Bill has now received Royal Assent to become the Building Safety Act. Safety and Health Practitioner (SHP) have reported that following the draft bill first announced in July 2020, on the 28th of Ap....

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A day in the life of… a Dispute Resolution lawyer

Our Partner and Head of Dispute Resolution, Leanne Philp, is a highly experienced and skilled lawyer specialising in contentious probate, breach of contract claims and building disputes – not to mention a busy mum! In her years as a lawyer, she has found that many people struggle to understand wh....

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Domestic abuse doesn’t always leave a mark

Long gone are the days when cuts and bruises were needed for domestic abuse to be recognised by the authorities and wider society. These days, psychological and emotional abuse, economic abuse, as well as controlling or coercive behaviour, are all legally recognised as forms of domestic abuse and a....

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A useful guide for employees and employers on the changes to PPE regulations at work

Here at Attwaters Jameson Hill we want to help employers and employees to remain safe and compliant, when it comes to PPE regulations. AND with World Day for Safety and Health at Work being celebrated on 28 April, the recent changes to PPE regulations are particularly pertinent. It’s so import....

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EPCs for commercial property: a legal perspective

What is an EPC? An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rates how energy efficient your building is on a scale from A to G (with A the being the most efficient grade and G being the least efficient). Once issued, an EPC is valid for 10 years. Why is energy efficiency important? The....

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