

Have you been affected by the collapse of Universal Wealth Preservation?

What has happened?

The owners of Ipswich-based Universal Tax Solutions, Universal Wealth Preservation, Universal Asset Protection Ltd and Universal Trustees Ltd are being investigated by Suffolk Police, following their apparently fraudulent handling of families’ wealth and assets.

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Significant increase in cases of Sepsis within the NHS

The BBC today reported the significant increase in cases of Sepsis within the NHS

There were nearly 16,000 deaths in the year ending April 2017 where Sepsis was listed as one of the major causes.

At Attwaters Jameson Hill we are committed to helping people who have contracted sepsis due to negligent treatment or the negligent failure to treat clients who have suffered infections. We believe that 16,000 deaths a year as a result of Sepsis is unacceptable. On their own website the NHS describe sepsis as a rare but serious complication of infection. We do not believe that 16,000 deaths a year can be described as rare.

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How research into Alzheimer’s and dementia is providing new insights and better diagnostic tools

Dementia is undoubtedly one of the biggest health and care challenges we face in the UK. The Alzheimer’s Society* estimates that by 2021, over a million people in the UK will be living with the condition.

Research is being carried out on a number of fronts, helping the medical community and those involved in the support of people living with dementia have a better understanding of the disease and its care and management.

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High Court confirms police owe a ‘duty of care’ in tragic case

The High Court in Manchester this week upheld an earlier County Court decision in the case of a 37-year-old woman who died from an overdose of prescribed anti-depressants, after a chaotic and delayed police response to a desperate 999 call from her mother. That preliminary issue was defined as being ‘whether a duty of care was owed by Greater Manchester Police to the Deceased’.

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We help our 850th shared ownership client move

With many people, particularly first-time buyers, finding themselves priced out of the housing market, shared ownership schemes are proving to be the lifeline they so desperately need.

We have just helped our 850th shared ownership client, completing the conveyancing work on their property purchase and enabling them to move into their new home.

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Who is entitled to know what’s in your Will?

We’re often asked who has a right to see a Will and know its contents. In general terms, a Will is a private document while the person who wrote it is alive, and as their solicitor we are required to keep out clients’ affairs strictly confidential. After their death, a Will remains private unless and until a Grant of Probate is issued.

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How mediation allows separating families to shape their own destiny

When any marriage, civil partnership or relationship breaks down irretrievably, there are inevitably a lot of things to sort out - big questions such as what happens to the property, finances, debts and pensions on separation or divorce.

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What happens if you’re gazumped, gazundered or gazanged

Property transactions don’t always go strictly according to plan, and these three words can all spell problems for house buyers and sellers.

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Buying a property at auction – what you need to know

Selling property by auction is growing in popularity and becoming much more mainstream, due in part to TV shows such as Homes under the Hammer. It can certainly be a cost-effective way of acquiring a property; if you’re a first-time buyer looking for a home you can do up, or a buy-to-let landlord adding to your portfolio, then buying at auction can provide the opportunities you’re looking for.

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Our expert conveyancing team now has Moore to offer clients

Attwaters Jameson Hill’s renowned service to property buyers and sellers has become even better thanks to the arrival of conveyancing Solicitor Andrew Moore, whose specialisms include high-value and matrimonial property cases.

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Awards and Accolades

  • acn clinical negligence
  • acn conveyancing quality
  • acn family law
  • The Legal 500 – The Clients Guide to Law Firms
  • Best places to wok in UK
  • ERC Endorsement
  • Lexcel
  • AVMA
  • SCIL