
Legal proceedings following asbestos death

On behalf of Attwaters Jameson Hill posted in Workers' Compensation on Friday, June 5th, 2015

Residents of Essex may be familiar with the dangers of working with asbestos and the latent health risks that exposure to dust and particles from the material pose. The widow of a painter and decorator who died of mesothelioma two years ago believes that his cancer may have been caused by his exposure to asbestos as long as five decades ago.

He was treated with radiotherapy and chemotherapy after he was diagnosed but died at the age of 72, less than a year after the cancer was detected. His widow described the effect the disease and the treatment had on him and his family and spoke of how he needed to have his lungs drained because of the fluid building up. After having to watch him suffer in the months leading up to his death, the family members are looking for the cause of his disease and his widow is considering legal proceedings.

The decedent was an apprentice in the decorating trade in Leyton in his youth, and his widow believes that he was exposed to asbestos dust when cutting asbestos sheeting material into strips at that time. He was also using asbestos while working in Hackney later in his career. She has made a public request for his former colleagues to contact her with information regarding their working practices.

Injuries in the workplace can cause severe hardship and distress for victims and their family members. If an employer has been negligent and failed in its duty of care towards its employees, then an injured party may have grounds for making a claim for compensation. A solicitor with experience in claims regarding workplace injuries may be able to provide a client with guidance on how to proceed.

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