1. Our debt recovery scheme is for undisputed debts only. Disputed debts must be dealt with on a case-by-case basis in order to maximise the chance of a positive outcome. If a dispute arises, we will no longer deal with it under our debt recovery service. Should this happen, we will inform you and develop a bespoke proposal for dealing with the dispute, so that you can decide how you would like to proceed.
  2. Our debt recovery scheme is designed to deal with invoice debts. We may, at our discretion, allow non-invoice debt claims to be dealt with under this scheme. Debts arising from multiple invoices may be brought under this scheme, but we may ask you to prepare a statement of the amounts owing and reserve the right to make an extra charge for interest calculations in such cases.
  3. Our fixed fee for Charging Orders and Third Party Debt Orders is inclusive of one hearing, which is all that is normally required. Should the hearing be adjourned, we will charge an additional fee of £100 for a second hearing.
  4. Our fixed fee for Attachment of Earnings Orders, Warrants of Execution and High Court Writs is not inclusive of the fees payable by the debtor should enforcement action be successful.
  5. The prices shown in our fee tables do not include VAT, as most businesses can recover VAT. Court fees are not subject to VAT. VAT is payable on our fees and any other costs set out.
  6. All fees are required to be paid on account in advance before we carry out any work.
  7. To enable us to offer value for money, the day-to-day debt recovery work may be carried out by junior members of our team. We will only give the necessary advice to facilitate the steps described. We provide standard forms for you to confirm your instructions at various stages of the case, and may not accept instructions outside of such standard forms. If you are looking for a more personal service, then we would highly recommend our bespoke debt recovery services, especially for more complex cases.
  8. Nor does our scheme include negotiation with the debtor. If the debtor makes payment proposals, you can choose to deal with them directly or pay an additional fee (which will be quoted on a time-cost basis) for conducting the negotiations on your behalf.
  9. As regulated professionals, we must act in accordance with our professional duties at all times. In rare circumstances, we may reserve the right to decline instructions.
  10. The rules of this scheme take precedence over our standard terms of business and usual client care agreement, but otherwise those terms also apply.
  11. We try to provide a quick turnaround, but many of the processes set out in our scheme are in the hands of the courts. As such, the timescales may vary significantly over time and depending on the geographical location.

Awards and Accolades

  • acn clinical negligence
  • acn conveyancing quality
  • acn family law
  • The Legal 500 – The Clients Guide to Law Firms
  • Best places to wok in UK
  • MHFA
  • cyberessentials certified plus
  • ERC Endorsement
  • Lexcel
  • AVMA
  • SCIL