
Why you should consider making a medical negligence claim

On behalf of Attwaters Jameson Hill posted in Medical Negligence on Tuesday, February 6th, 2024

When you or somebody you know is injured due to negligence on the part of medical professionals – the very people whom you have trusted to look after you – the results can be life-changing. Sadly, these injuries often necessitate significant lifestyle changes, which can be extremely expensive to implement.

In addition to securing justice for the wrong done to you, therefore, a medical negligence claim can also help you get the financial security you need to move forward with your life in the best possible circumstances.

If you are successful in proving medical negligence, you will be entitled to compensation for:

  1. The injuries caused by the negligent treatment, pain and suffering, loss of amenity and the general impact of your injuries on your lifestyle.
  • The treatment required in connection with your injuries and any future treatment you may need.
  • Financial losses you have incurred as a result of the injuries caused by the negligent treatment, for example:
  • Loss of earnings
  • Care from family members
  • Aids and equipment
  • Private medical treatment
  • Painkillers and/or prescriptions
  • Past losses, such as a cancelled holiday
  • Travel expenses.
  • The costs of any future needs, for example:
  • Costs associated with future care
  • Future aids and equipment
  • Future treatment and therapies
  • Accommodation.

Is it worth it?

Pursuing a medical negligence claim while struggling with the injuries you have suffered may feel like an overwhelming prospect. However, statistics show that the overwhelming majority (99%) of the 13,511 claims made against the NHS in 2022/23 were settled, while 51% of claimants were awarded compensation. In total, the NHS paid out £2.641bn for medical negligence claims during this period.

Of course, your chances of success will be greatly improved with the assistance of an expert solicitor with experience in pursuing medical negligence claims.

In addition, whilst some medical negligence injuries are the result of one-off accidents, many are sadly the result of consistently poor care. Whilst nobody should have to be injured in order to bring to light negligent practices, a claim against your healthcare provider may lead to reviews and improvements to processes that may prevent other people from suffering the same outcome.

Will it impact my care?

Many people who are considering bringing a medical negligence claim against their healthcare provider may be concerned that doing so will have a negative impact on their care – especially if they are still being treated at the same establishment.

However, this is not the case.

Firstly, most claims are brought against the hospital or trust, rather than the individual doctors and other healthcare staff responsible for your treatment, and the compensation is funded by the government or by insurers.

Secondly, you are under no obligation to remain at the same hospital for your treatment. For obvious reasons, many medical negligence claimants no longer want to be treated by the same medical professionals and are perfectly entitled to have their care transferred to another hospital.

Expert medical negligence solicitors, here for you

Should you wish to explore the possibility of making a claim against your healthcare provider, our empathetic Medical Negligence team is 100% on your side. We can help you assess the likelihood of a successful claim, explain all the various funding options that may be available to you, and support you through to the conclusion of your case.

Please do get in touch on 0330 221 8855 or email enquiries@attwaters.co.uk to speak to a specialist solicitor.

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