
The highest-earning neighbourhoods near you

On behalf of Attwaters Jameson Hill posted in Private Wealth on Wednesday, January 10th, 2024

In 2022, the average salary for full-time employees in Hertfordshire and Essex was £41,423 (3.27% up on 2021) and £38,021 (4.8% up), respectively. This is according to data from statistics provider Varbes.

Whilst these figures hover just above or around the average mark for the United Kingdom, there are certain neighbourhoods in both counties that enjoy truly excellent salaries, enabling residents to enjoy a higher quality of life.

Hertfordshire’s high earners

According to data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and compiled by Herts Live,  the top 10 highest-earning neighbourhoods in Hertfordshire are:

NeighbourhoodAvg. Household Income
Moor Park & Batchworth£83,500
Bernards Heath£80,900
St Albans Central£77,600
Harpenden Common£72,800
Berkhamsted Town£72,600
Clarence Park£72,500
Harpenden Town£72,500
Verulam Park£72,200
Rickmansworth North & Loudwater£70,900

Some of these names will of course be familiar to readers of our Private Wealth Guide, with towns and villages including Harpenden, St Albans and Rickmansworth featuring regularly in our property pages for their beautiful homes often exceeding £1 million in value.

Essex’s high earners

Likewise, you may recognise some of the locations on Essex’s list of high-earning neighbourhoods. This list, compiled by Essex Live, is slightly different to the Hertfordshire data in that it shows net income – i.e., income left over after tax, National Insurance, pension contributions, council tax and child support. 

NeighbourhoodNet. Household Income
Billericay North East£41,900
Shenfield & Hutton Mount£41,100
Newport, Littlebury & Clavering£39,800
South Chafford`£39,600
Central Chelmsford£39,300
Springfield South & Coronation Park£39,100
Abbey Field£38,700
Brentwood Central£38,600
Audley End, Ashdon & The Chesterfords£38,600
Billericay Queen’s Park£38,400

The benefits of a higher income

In addition to the obvious benefits of a higher income – i.e., being able to afford a suitable home, enjoy leisure activities and greater opportunities for high-quality education and life experiences – multiple studies have pointed to significant physical and mental health benefits.

A 2020 study from University College London (UCL) found that the wealthiest men and women can expect to enjoy nine additional years of life in good health compared to those in the poorest groups. Meanwhile, many studies have also linked prosperity with a much lower likelihood of mental health issues such as depressive disorders and anxiety compared with lower income groups.

This is why we are so happy to be based in Hertfordshire and Essex, where high average salaries bring health, wealth and happiness within the reach of many.

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