Protect your business with our succession planning template

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Did you know that 70% of family businesses don’t survive past their first generation?

It’s not because they’re bad businesses, or that they’ve done something wrong.

It’s simply because they’re so busy in the here and now that they haven’t given any thought to who will take over the reins later on.

Our free succession planning template can help you think about the future productively, enabling you to transfer your business smoothly and successfully down the generations.

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Using this template, you can:

  • Identify the key people and skills currently vital to your business’s survival
  • Identify and appoint successors for these people and roles and understand their training and development needs
  • Develop and implement a comprehensive training plan for your appointed successors
  • Understand the timescales involved.

Of course, should you require any assistance in developing and implementing your succession plan, our Corporate, Company and Commercial team are on hand to support you with decades of expertise and specialist advice.

Simply fill in our short form with your details, download your template and get one step closer to a positive future for your business.

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