
Negligent surgery takes 9 years off woman’s life expectancy

On behalf of Attwaters Jameson Hill posted in Uncategorised on Thursday, August 14th, 2014

A woman has been awarded £100,000 compensation after she suffered complications during surgery which have taken nine years off her life expectancy.

A woman has been awarded £100,000 compensation after she suffered complications during surgery which have taken nine years off her life expectancy.

The woman, who was 47 and worked as a catering assistant, had an operation to remove gallstones at a hospital run by the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust.

Afterwards, she became jaundiced and was informed that she had suffered a bile duct injury during the operation. It later transpired that the surgeon had negligently placed a surgical clip on her bile duct.

The woman had to remain in hospital for a further 10 days and spent 48 hours in intensive care.

She was left with persistent pain in her upper right abdomen, fatigue, scarring, a future risk of further complications and a moderate psychiatric disorder. She was still very weak when she was discharged from hospital and needed substantial care from her husband.

The woman took legal action against the Trust alleging that the surgeon had been negligent in placing a clip on her bile duct.

The Trust admitted liability and agreed to an out-of-court settlement of £100,000. The money was to compensate her for a number of factors including her pain and suffering, and to pay for her care and assistance.

The award was also to compensate for being put at a disadvantage in the jobs market as she was no longer able to carry out certain tasks such as bending and lifting heavy items.

Madeline Seibert, Partners said: “Operations such as removing gallstones are often regarded as quite routine but as this case shows, things can still go badly wrong. When mistakes occur through negligence, victims are entitled to be compensated.”

Please contact us if you believe you, or someone close to you, has been affected by medical negligence.

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