
How long does an online divorce take?

On behalf of Attwaters Jameson Hill posted in Divorce on Friday, December 23rd, 2022

Submitting a divorce application is not many people’s idea of a good time; it is, though, a necessary road to travel to arrive at your new life. Thankfully, you can improve the journey by enlisting an experienced Family Law specialist to act as your guide.

Time for a change

Since April 2022, new legislation has allowed divorcing couples to submit all their paperwork online. This new digital system to apply for a divorce still takes a long time, however, adding stress and further delays to the emotional impact of divorce proceedings.

Online divorce applications have four key stages, each of which needs to be navigated successfully before the divorce becomes official. At every step, the support and guidance of specialists can ensure everything runs smoothly. Whether you are submitting the divorce application, Conditional Order [link to other blog] or Final Order, the insight and experience of expert lawyers can help keep everything on track.

Clock’s ticking

So, how long does it take to finalise your divorce?

As well as moving applications online, the new law also introduced a minimum period of 20 weeks that must be observed between starting the initial application and submitting the Conditional Order. After this, if the judge agrees to a Conditional Order, you’ll have to wait another six weeks and one day before you can apply for a Final Order.

In total then, the process can easily last between four and six months – or even longer if you end up in negotiations about the division of assets. This is a long time to carry the weight of such responsibility alone; an expert divorce lawyer can take the burden off your shoulders and add value to the divorce process.

By your side

At a time when you want to move on with your new life, this time delay can be extremely frustrating. Part of the value that comes from having an expert by your side for the divorce journey is the clear and compassionate advice you’ll have access to at every stage, as well as the certainty of knowing you are always supported, come what may.

Indeed, although it might be tempting to speed things along, the time it takes to work through the divorce process gives you and your spouse certainty that you are making the right decision. Keeping an open mind and clear head is essential, which is something else that the support of a Family Law specialist can help you achieve.

Do the things you love

It takes time to progress through the divorce process, but it doesn’t have to take your time. As the Private Wealth Law Firm, at Attwaters Jameson Hill, we value your time and want to let you do the things you love, while we deal with the legal details.

We are always on top of the latest legal developments and can use our expert knowledge to help you choose the best route for your unique needs.

Get in touch

Our Family Law experts have more than 200 years’ experience guiding high-net-worth clients through the complexities of the divorce process. We’ll ensure your every need is considered, while you put your precious time to better use.

To find out more, call Belinda Strange (Partner and Head of Family Law) on 0203 871 0011 or email belinda.strange@attwaters.co.uk.

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