The cost of divorce in the UK

On behalf of Attwaters Jameson Hill posted in Uncategorised on Wednesday, September 10th, 2014

Durinng the summer , Aviva released a Family Finance reports, which outlines the cost of divorce in the UK. The statistics are interesting and outline why you should use an expert lawyer.

  • The Office of National Statistics show that there are around 128,000 divorces or dissolutions annually.
  • Divorced, widowed or separated families now make up 7% of UK families.
  • UK couples are spending more than £44,000 on average when they divorce or separate – this is a total of £5.7 billion per year across the nation.
  • The hidden cost of divorce is £21,979 per person, or £43,959 per couple.
  • This is an increase of 57% since the last findings in 2006 when the cost of divorce was around £28,000.
  • Legal fees for divorce have actually fallen, from £1,818 to £1,280 with many opting for cheaper online services.
  • As well as the costs associated with a break-up, four out of ten newly-separated people splash out on items to treat themselves such as holidays, new technology and gadgets.
  • Four in ten were financially worse off following their separation and more than half took longer than six months to settle financial matters – the typical time sort out the financial affairs was almost a year (11.5 months).
  • A third of couples tried to reach an amicable agreement to save on legal fees, one in ten separated but continued living together for several months as they couldn’t afford to live apart immediately and 6% of couples put off getting a divorce because of the costs involved.

It is important for individuals to seek sound legal advice at an early stage. The family law team at Attwaters Jameson Hill come give such advice. Led by Joyti Henchi, who is recognised as an expert in Chambers and partners, the team has been advising clients throughtout Hertfordshire, Essex and London on many aspects of family law. Joyti can be contacted by email or by telephone on 01279 638 809

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